OptiFlow Port Solutions ApS is a newly formed start-up company, founded by two industry professionals with unique experience and track record.
Our founders have been able to able to achieve remarkable improvements in productivity elevating container terminals from around 25 gross moves per hour to impressive figures between 45 to 50 GmpH.
Such enhancements not only benefit the terminal’s liner customers through reduced port stays but also cut terminal operating costs significantly.
Container terminals in Europe have become accustomed to operating with a productivity of around 25 to 30 moves per each ship to shore gantry crane (STS) deployed. The same situation applies in the US, where it has become commonly accepted (or demanded by unions) that productivity should generally not exceed 25 gross moves per hour per STS.
In Japan on the other hand, the port productivity routinely reaches 50 moves per STS crane with nearly the same hardware in the big ocean ports (a mix of rubber-tired gantry cranes, straddle carriers, or automated stacking cranes).
If such a huge productivity leap could be achieved in European ports, the berth capacity and the yard capacity of the terminal could be increased by up to 80% without automation and without buying new handling machinery.
We know that it is possible to achieve such high productivity in ports. Two of our good colleagues have proven that as COO at Ports of Auckland and at a terminal in the Red Sea where both terminals were able to operate with an efficiency of around 46 moves per STS crane.
The problem is that as soon as these two experts leave the terminal, within a couple of months things go back to the old way of working with poor productivity of around 25 moves per hour.
Each of our founders has 20 to 30 years of experience working in the ports industry, with the last 15 years working on projects aimed at efficiency improvements and optimisation of container terminals.
- Extensive COO experience at large container terminals in Asia Pacific and Africa.
- Proven track record in achieving quantum leap improvements in quayside productivity at POAL and Djibouti container terminals.
- Director of Portside Solutions an Australian-based port consulting firm for 6 years.
- TOS specialist and deep expertise in yard planning and optimisation.
- Significant experience in OR-related simulation systems for container terminals and design of next-generation TOS systems
- Four decades of experience at Maersk Line, UASC, INTTRA and other leading companies in the ocean shipping and ports industry.
- Navis N4 certified.